Sample Schedule

Here is a typical YSPA “class day”:

 9:00a Walk or take the shuttle to LFOP to get breakfast
10:00a Class with the Academic Director
12:30p Lunch at LFOP
 1:30p Programming tutorial with teaching assistants in the computer lab
 4:30p Break to play frisbee or just relax, attend guest lecture, work on assignments
 5:30p Meet with research team to plan observations for the night
 6:00p Walk back to dorm for dinner in dining hall with all staff and students
 7:30p Walk or take the shuttle back to LFOP to start observing with the 0.4 meter telescope
10:00p Analyze new data with teammates
10:30p Study for class / work on problem set with friends / play games
12:00a Head back to dorm with a TA
 2:30a Curfew; all students must be in their rooms until 6:30am

Not all students observe every single night, and some days will be used for group field trips or other projects. Sundays are always unscheduled days with no classes, projects, or events that students can use to catch up on sleep, spend time with friends, or work on research projects as needed.