The Yale Summer Program in Astrophysics is funded by student tuition, by the Yale Department of Astronomy, and by the donations of individuals. It is our goal to provide an exceptional academic enrichment experience for our students that is also affordable. We do not make a profit on the program; we only charge what is necessary to cover our expenses.
In order to make our program more affordable, we offer limited financial aid to students on an as-needed basis. 100% of your tax-deductible donations go into this financial aid fund, so that some qualified students who may not be able to attend YSPA are given the opportunity to participate in this life-changing experience. The more support we get via dontations, the more financial aid we will be able to offer.
If you donate to YSPA and choose to not remain anonymous, your name will go on our list of benefactors, and you will will receive a personalized thank-you from our students and staff after the end of the program. If you can donate at least half of the cost of a student’s tuition, you can choose to name the scholarship in your honor or in someone else’s honor.
We also welcome corporate underwriters who may be interested in sponsoring scholarships as well as other aspects of the program.
If you are interested in supporting our program, we welcome you to make a donation through this link.
You can also mail your donation by completing the Mail-In Gift Form.
Please contact us for more information.